What's On
Swingers Diary
Fetish Diary
if you are a Couple
if you are a Single Female
if you are a Single Male
Cinema membership only
if a Fet membership needed
Club Tour
Virtual Reality Club Tour
Flirts Spa
Flirts and Cinema
Boutique and Sun Deck
Double Room with Shared Bathroom
Dormitory Room with Shared Bathroom
Double Room With Private Bathroom
Quadruple Room With Shared Bathroom
Most questions are answered easily by looking around our site, but if you need further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Email: [email protected] Phone: 07850 236 053
The data collected on this form is processed by Xtasia Adult Hotel and Amenitiz Solutions to manage the contact request information on the website https://www.xtasia.co.uk in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Xtasia Adult Hotel
140 High Street, West Bromwich, B70 6JJ, United Kingdom